Monday 29 July 2013

Fit and proper persons

Moves are afoot to change the law governing licensing and control of holiday caravan parks.

A Welsh Assembly member is piloting a bill through the Assembly to improve things...... at present he is asking for comments and feed back. (but what starts in Wales might easily leach over the border)

The problem perceived is that some parks are not managed by fit and proper people. They allow customers to use their holiday caravan as a permanent home (thus living in a community but not contributing to it by paying rates) and some parks exploit weak and vulnerable customers for financial and other advantage.  What to do?

The resolution proposed by Darren Millar (AM) in his Holiday Caravan Park (Wales) Bill is to strengthen  local government controls and also to introduce a "fit and proper person" regime so that anyone who controls (or manages?) a caravan park has to pass the test of being a fit and proper person.

Where does one begin??  At the top of the chain some park businesses are very large indeed controlled by bankers and city types all looking to make a return. Will these top people be checked over? or will it only be the lowly site manager?  Who will check the checker?

For me - I won attendance prizes at Sunday School from 1955 through to 1960 and I was a cub and a scout!  I've never been in trouble with the police  Both my speeding offences were committed a long time ago driving slower than 40mph   I have always paid my taxes.    I should pass??? or maybe not??

When I started in caravan park work I didn't think it would be elevated to such special status.

If you can suggest any characteristics suitable for the f&p check list please post a comment below.

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